Breaking the Silence - Cameroon

If you don’t read about it in the news, did it really happen? Every year, humanitarian crises affect millions of people around the world. From natural disasters to conflict and displacement, some crises make headlines, some don’t.
Tthe Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom teamed up with the aid organization CARE.
CARE’s annual report “Breaking the Silence” highlights the ten most underreported crises of the past year. Together we shine a spotlight on each crisis, giving room for discussion and hearing from experts about challenges, opportunities, and the resilience of affected communities in each country.

Cameroon has been hit repeatedly by humanitarian crises over the past decade. This has been compounded by natural disasters, diseases such as cholera and, more recently, the economic impact of the COVID 19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. 3.9 million people are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance - or about 14 percent of the population.

CARE was founded in 1945 to support post-war Europe with the famous CARE packages. Today, the independent aid organization works in over 100 countries to provide humanitarian aid and fight poverty with a focus on empowering women and girls.

Britta Sophie Weck
… is an intercultural trainer with a focus on Islam and has worked with various institutions in the German education and government sector. Additionally, she advises professionals and executives as a communications trainer and moderates web talks and discussions on various international and interdisciplinary topics.

Esther Njomo Epse Omam
... as executive Director of Reach out, she has been at the forefront of development issues, building a culture of peace and rights of conducting humanitarian assistance in the South West Region of Cameroon and beyond since 2000.

Nfomi Laura Berka
... served as Programs Manager for Community Center for Integrated Development (CCID) in the fields of Gender Equality and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights until she was appointed as Co-Executive Director.

Breaking the Silence - Cameroon

Humanitarian crises that didn't make headlines - Volume 5




23.05.2023 | 17:00 - 18:00


Länderbüro Berlin | Brandenburg | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

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