ReshapeEurope: Defending Liberal Democracy Around the World

The Russian war against Ukraine has revealed a multitude of challenges for the EU. A new competition for influence between global players has been set in motion, whereby the binding power of the West is not as strong as expected. In a world, which is characterized by strategic rivalry between authoritarian states and liberal democracies, these are alarming developments. In order to defend the model of free and democratic societies against authoritarian threats, the European project must regain its global appeal. To this end, the EU must demonstrate that free and democratic societies are best suited to master major challenges. At the same time, the EU must strengthen its global partnerships and not relinquish them to the influence of global players with opposing values.

How can the EU’s model of liberal democracy be defended and promoted at home and around the globe? How should the EU's global partnerships and alliances with other countries and regions be shaped in the future to strengthen liberal democracy against authoritarian threats? Together with international experts and political decision-makers, we search for answers to these questions at our annual flagship conference on Europe in Berlin.

Let's #ReshapeEurope together!

ReshapeEurope: Defending Liberal Democracy Around the World




10.10.2023 | 10:00 - 15:30


Referat Bundesprogramm

Mehr auf +Freiheit

61 min

Säulen autoritärer Herrschaft: Saudi-Arabien

105 min

GewaltFREI - Schutz vor häuslicher Gewalt

63 min

Frauenrechte im Fokus: PAKISTAN

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