Impact Talk: Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics went to Claudia Goldin for Studying Women in the Work Force. She uncovered an array of reasons for gender gaps in labour force participation and earnings.
In recent years, the rate of new business formation by women has significantly risen in Bangladesh. However, women still own and manage significantly fewer businesses than men. Recent evidence shows that the prevalence rates of female entrepreneurship tend to rise in developing countries like Bangladesh due to the fact that women face higher barriers to entry in the formal labour market and have to resort to entrepreneurship as a way out of unemployment and, often, out of poverty.
Globally, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh the entry of women in the labour market or to start and run a business is a complex mix of constraints and opportunities, as well as external impulses and aspirations. As a case study, this Online Business Dialogue will delve into the issue of women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh, with a particular interest in urban educated women-led businesses.
Which obstacles do female entrepreneurs have to face on a daily basis? How does their entrepreneurial success alter their role in society and their respective community? What can be done to encourage more women to start their own businesses and which legislative measures have to be taken to grant equal access to financial resources?
We will discuss these questions with our experts from Bangladesh - and with you!
Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit leistet mit dieser vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) geförderten Veranstaltung einen Beitrag dazu, die Ziele der 2015 von den Vereinten Nationen verabschiedeten Agenda 2030, insbesondere im Bereich Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit, bekannter zu machen.
Dr. Najmul Hossain
is the Country Representative of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Bangladesh). He is an economist with over 30 years of experience in teaching, research and management. Dr. Hossain received his Ph.D. in Economics from Virginia Tech and his Bachelors from the University of Delaware in the United States. A Phi Beta Kappa member, Dr. Hossain has to his credit more than three dozen publications in refereed journal articles.
Mohammad Arif Nezami
is a trustee of Preneur Lab Youth & Innovation Trust. Preneur Lab is a social good company focusing on solving problems related to youth, women and entrepreneurs since 2014. His organization Preneur Lab has received several global recognitions, including the BRAC Manthan Award, for contributing to women's empowerment in Bangladesh. He is an IVLP alumnus of the US State Department and an alumnus of FNF International Leadership Academy Germany.
Tilka Farzana
is an entrepreneur, co-owner of a successful bakery/restaurant in Dhaka, The Red Window in Gulshan. She did her under graduation in International Business and Marketing from London Metropolitan University, UK. Ms. Farzana has a post-graduate degree in Global Leadership Program- Dual Major from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. Since 2015, Ms. Farzana is an adjunct faculty in the department of Management, School of Business and Economics in North South University.
Nasima Aktar Nisha
is a tech enthusiast, Founder and President of Women and e-Commerce (WE) & Managing Director of Reverie Corporation Ltd, a software company. Presently, she serves as the Joint Secretary of e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB). Ms. Nisha did her BBA from North South University, and completed her master’s from Southeast University.
Impact Talk: Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh
Zeit14.12.2023 | 12:00 - 13:00
VeranstalterLandesbüro Baden-Württemberg
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