The 2nd edition of our EURO-MENA-SHOW will highlight the importance for a “Re-start of Euro-Mediterranean Relations”. Being a joint initiative of Casa Árabe, FNF Madrid and FNF MENA, the show will take place on June 29.

A wide array of activities will be live-streamed on from 10 a.m. onwards, ranging from conferences and documentaries to a concert and a virtual tour through the "Arabic" Madrid... and so much more. Join us for the whole day or dip in and out of events, it’s up to you!

Register for free on and tune in on June 29 as we journey together through the cultural, economic, political and social spheres, which connect all shores of the "Med". Together, we’ll reflect on the past, so we can create the future we’d like to see for the region.


Re-start of Euro-Mediterranean Relations

Mehr auf +Freiheit

94 min

United in Autonomy?

90 min

Shaping a New Digital World Order

61 min

"This service is currently not available" How internet shutdowns are threating democracy in Eastern Europe

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