Suffering in Silence VI

This event is the sixth in a ten-part series, which will shine a light on the "ten most under-reported humanitarian crises in 2020". In cooperation with CARE Germany e.V., the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom invites you to reflect on the current crisis in Malawi, where 8.3 million people required humanitarian assitance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Malawi is a very densely populated area, in which 7 out of 10 people live below the poverty line. Most of the population and the economy heavily rely on rain-fed agriculture. This makes the country very susceptible to natural disasters and pest outbreaks, such as the Cyclone Idai in March 2019. The onset of the pandemic, combined with poverty, natural disasters, a food crisis, high HIV/ AIDS infection rates and large numbers of refugees, have created a heavy burden for the small country.

What is the current political situation in Malawi? What historical origins does the current humanitarian crisis have? How do foreign governments, including Germany, interact with this very peaceful African nation? What humanitarian situation is developing on the ground and how is civil society affected? Why do we not hear about this humanitarian crisis in our media? Are there solutions how this crisis can be mitigated in the years to come? We hereby invite you to examine and ask these questions in conversation with international experts.

You are also cordially invited to tune in for FNF's next events on the most under-reported humanitarian crises: The 5th of July on Pakistan and the 12th of July on Mali.

Suffering in Silence VI

The most under-reported humanitarian crises in 2020: Volume 6 - Malawi




28.06.2021 | 17:00 - 18:00


Referat Bundesprogramm

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