Between Autonomy & Multilaterism - The New EU Trade Strategy

Über die Veranstaltung

On the 18th of February, the European Commission presented its new “Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy”. This is another step in the EU taking a more assertive stance in promoting and defending its interest as top global actor in the trade game. The new strategy focuses on the notion of "open strategic autonomy", as well as sustainability and the Green Deal. While the EU is committed to keeping trade free and open, it also tries to ensure a level playing field for EU businesses and people, in particular through stronger trade defence measures and enhanced compliance.
In order to achieve these goals, the EU relies also on reforms in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). During the Commission’s consultation process, the EU Parliament had already put forward clear expectations for these reforms. Despite conflicts between the three largest trade blocs, the USA, China and Europe, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, the prospects for trade policy have improved in recent months. This is not least due to the new US President Joe Biden and the high hopes for the new WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Together with these two staunch multilaterists at the helm of the WTO and Europe's most important ally, the EU's strategy can set course for a trade policy re:start after the pandemic.
What sets this ambitious trade strategy apart from its predecessor? What reforms will be needed on the WTO level and what role will transatlantic relations play in shaping them? Moreover, how will the EU assert its trade interests while remaining a strong defender of open markets? Join our panelists in discussing these and many more questions in this upcoming event!

With Svenja Hahn, Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner and Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Paqué

Between Autonomy & Multilaterism - The New EU Trade Strategy

What reforms will be needed on the WTO level and what role will transatlantic relations play in shaping them?

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