Liberal Breakfast – The German EU Council Presidency

About the Event

The unprecedented Covid19 crisis has put an enormous strain on Europe’s capacity of action. The deficiencies in its recent crisis response management have confirmed once again the need for increased cooperation, to transform the European Union into a more resilient, democratic and innovative entity. In the midst of these developments and challenges, Germany is about to assume the presidency in the EU Council. With its reputation as political heavyweight, it will now have to prove that it has what it takes to come out on top of the crisis and inspire new momentum for European policymaking.
At this liberal breakfast, we aim to shed light on liberal expectations in the wake of this European restart. What does our economic future look like with regard to free trade, and how should the EU recovery plan materialise, in order to promote inclusive economic growth? What will be needed for a joint approach to healthcare in the future? And what options do Liberals see in reshaping Europe, to increase institutional resilience as well as public support for rule of law, transparency and democracy? Our next liberal breakfast aims to shed light on these and many other questions, so join us for a discussion with our distinguished speakers!

with Nicola Beer MP

Mehr auf +Freiheit

51 min

Corona and the world - What is the liberal approach?

61 min

Der Mehrjährige Finanzrahmen als Antwort auf Corona?

47 min

Corona-Exit in Belgien - Erfahrungen und Beitrag der deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens

48 min

Corona und Brexit - Wie weiter mit UK in Europa?

94 min

Europäische Solidarität in Zeiten von Corona

113 min

Deutschlands und Europas Aufgaben zur Verteidigung universeller Werte im Systemwettbewerb mit China

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