EU-Mercosur Deal: An opportunity in the middle of global uncertainty

About the Event

The crisis of the Covid-19 is changing people's lives worldwide, both socially and economically. A strong global uncertainty has arisen within this scenario and multilateralism is being challenged.
In these difficult times, when millions of people are suffering the economic consequences of the crisis, it is all the more important to generate positive and certain signals, and achieve closer economic cooperation in order to open new economic possibilities for the people. The ratification of the free trade agreement between the South American Mercosur trade bloc and the European Union is therefore an important basis/milestone for the economic reconstruction of the joining countries. However, there are doubts about the effectiveness of the agreement, on both sides.
A few days before Germany takes over the presidency of the European Council, we would like to discuss the status of the EU-Mercosur agreement with experts from science, business and politics, and in this context address following questions: To what extent is the current global crisis a risk or an opportunity for the agreement? How does the reaction of Argentina’s government influence the process of ratification of the free trade agreement? Is there a need to act on the agreement reached a year ago? What does the agreement mean for the over 770 million inhabitants of the EU and the South American countries? What opportunities bring regional economic cooperation to people in these difficult times? How can the free trade agreement contribute to a stable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis? What can Germany do from the presidency of the EU-Council to push on the agreement?

EU-Mercosur Deal: An opportunity in the middle of global uncertainty

To what extent is the current global crisis an opportunity for the agreement? What opportunities does regional economic cooperation offer to people in these difficult times?

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