United in Autonomy?

Amid growing global power competition and a changed transatlantic relationship, the topic of strategic autonomy is high on the agenda throughout Europe. In the new geopolitical era, characterized by the power struggle between the US and China, EU Member States have started to recognize the need for the EU to become a strategically autonomous security player, capable of taking independent action. This is necessary to defend Europe’s interests in this new power constellation, and especially in its own neighbourhood.

Although the concept of strategic autonomy is interpreted differently across the EU, the overarching message is clear: Europe has to step up efforts to take care of its own security interests. How can the idea of autonomy be reconciled with liberal values such as interconnectedness and the importance of multilateralism? What should a liberal idea of strategic autonomy look like? And what are the most promising avenues for Europe to transform from a plaything into a player?

United in Autonomy?

Liberal Ideas to Increase Europe’s Ability to Act


Digitale Konferenz


22.06.2021 | 19:00 - 20:30


Referat Bundesprogramm

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