Joining Forces: Pathways towards a European Army

Über die Veranstaltung

The ambition of a European Army has long captured imagination across the continent. With 27 armies, 23 air forces and 21 navies, there is a clear need to streamline military capabilities and further develop a military structure to support the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. But many questions remain about the main aims of a European army, key challenges to overcome and the opportunities to seize.
Following the election of Joe Biden as US President, the discussion came to the forefront again. Whereas some see this as a new possibility to strengthen the transatlantic bond, others emphasise the need for Europe to take care of its own security interests. How could a European army bring the EU closer to having strategic autonomy? What role should the transatlantic partnership play in Europe’s future security structure? And what are the most promising pathways to develop a European army?
We discuss this and many more questions with Dr. Marcus Faber MP, Member of the Defence Committee, Bundestag and Natalia Pouzyreff MP, Member of the Defence Committee, Assemblee nationale (LaREM) - TBC.
The panel discussions host is Jeroen Dobber.

mit Dr. Marcus Faber MdB, Natalia Pouzyreff MP und Jeroen Dobber

Joining Forces: Pathways towards a European Army

How could a European army bring the EU closer to having strategic autonomy? What role should the transatlantic partnership play in Europe’s future security structure?

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