The Nordics one year after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

How did the Nordic States react to Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine? Dr. Sinikukka Saari, Leading Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, will give an insight into the foreign and security policy discourses and explain concrete political changes. The talk is moderated by Jeroen Dobber, Head of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom's Security Hub.

About our series „Neighbouring Russia“: How did Russia's neighboring countries react one year after the full-scale attack on Ukraine? That is what the Friedrich Naumann Foundation wants to explore in a twelve-part virtual series of events. Together with international experts, we examine individual countries or regions and discuss important domestic and foreign policy processes.

Dr. Sinikukka Saari a Leading Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. She works at FIIA’s Finnish Foreign Policy, Northern European Security and NATO programme and leads foresight related research at FIIA. Dr. Saari’s fields of expertise include Russia’s foreign and security policy, Finland’s foreign and security policy as well as foresight in IR and Foreign Policy studies. In particular, she has studied Russia’s relations with its various neighbours from Oslo to Beijing and the EU–Russia relations.

Jeroen Dobber
...has been part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom´s Europe Office since May 2020. In his role as Head of the FNF Security Hub, he follows political developments in the European Union and NATO, with a particular focus on foreign and security policy. He is also responsible for the FNF's engagement in the Nordic countries. Jeroen Dobber publishes reports and political analyzes and promotes dialogue between experts and interest groups.

The Nordics one year after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

Neighbouring Russia (2)




16.02.2023 | 17:00 - 17:30


Landesbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen

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