In a world marked by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of multipolarity, and rising geopolitical tensions, the BRICS coalition —Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa— stands at a crucial juncture. Ongoing conflicts, particularly in Ukraine and Gaza, alongside efforts for economic decoupling from China, highlight the need for effective multilateralism. As one of the founding members, India plays a vital role in shaping the discussions within BRICS, influencing not only regional stability but also the broader implications for global governance. This webinar aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the upcoming BRICS Summit in Kazan, with a special focus on India's agenda and the broader implications for global economic and political dynamics.

In this context, we aim to explore: What are India’s primary strategic interests and proposed agenda for the 2024 BRICS Summit? How can BRICS nations effectively address and navigate current geopolitical challenges? And is BRICS seeking to offer an alternative to the liberal world order, and how might this influence international relations?

With this discussion, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom contributes to making the UN´s Agenda 2030 more known - especially regarding human rights and rule of law.


Ruchita Beri
is a Senior Fellow at Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi. Previously, she was Senior Research Associate and Centre Coordinator for Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, and UN Centre at MP-IDSA. She also serves on the Africa Committee of CII.

Jhanvi Tripathi
is an Associate Fellow at ORF’s Geoeconomics Programme and serves on the International Advisory Board Secretariat of Think20 Brasil. Her research covers international trade policy, gender and trade, WTO reform, and NTMs.

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Viola
has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Sao Paulo (1982). He is a Full Professor at the Institute of International Relations, University of Brasilia, and Senior Researcher at CNPQ since 1986. Currently, he chairs the Brazilian Research Network on the International System and Climate Change.

Dr. Rishi Gupta
is Assistant Director at the Asia Society Policy Institute in New Delhi. He is a Visiting Fellow at the Asian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (AIDIA). He was previously associated with the Vivekananda International Foundation and Center for Air Power Studies.

BRICS Summit in Kazan

India’s Agenda




18.10.2024 | 12:30 - 13:30


Landesbüro Baden-Württemberg

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