Japan after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

Japan has condemned Russia's full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine and expressed support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty immediately after the 24th of February 2022. In this Webtalk we want to discuss in which ways Japan reacted to it´s western neighbour`s war and what practical steps were taken in response to the conflict since then. We are pleased to talk and discuss these issues with Professor James D. J. Brown, Advisor and Coordinator of International Affairs major at Temple University in Tokyo. This event is moderated by Sophia Brachtendorf, Program Officer of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s Korea Office.

About our series „Neighbouring Russia“: How did Russia's neighboring countries react one year after the full scale attack on Ukraine? That is what the Friedrich Naumann Foundation wants to explore in a twelve-part virtual series of events. Together with international experts, we examine individual countries or regions and discuss important domestic and foreign policy processes.

Prof. Dr. James D. J. Brown
is Professor as well as Advisor and Coordinator of International Affairs major at Temple University in Tokyo, Japan. His Areas of Expertise are Russia-Japan relations, Russian foreign policy and Japanese foreign policy. As well as producing academic articles and monographs, Dr. Brown regularly writes op-eds, including for Nikkei Asia, The Japan Times, and The Diplomat. He also writes in Russian and Japanese, including for the Carnegie Moscow Center and Nikkei Business. He is also frequently quoted in the media, including by The New York Times, The Financial Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Yomiuri Shimbun, Hokkaido Shimbun, and the BBC.

Sophia Brachtendorf
is a Program Officer of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s Korea Office. She is responsible for the Foundation’s activities in South and North Korea, with an interest in East Asian geopolitics. She majored in East Asian studies with a focus on Japanese politics and is about to receive her Master’s degree in International Area Studies from Seoul National University.

Japan after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

Reihe: Neighbouring Russia




11.05.2023 | 09:00 - 09:30


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