From Trump to Biden - A Restart for the Transatlantic Partnership?

Über die Veranstaltung

On January 20th Joe Biden was inaugurated as 46th President of the United States. From his predecessor Donald Trump he takes over not only numerous challenges in domestic politics but also a heavy legacy in foreign politics. The traditionally sound transatlantic relationship has suffered severely during the Trump Administration, which in consequence led to US-scepticism in Germany and throughout the EU. European governments and citizens now place high hopes on the new President and his cabinet, expecting them to reset US foreign policy and in particular transatlantic relations. Are these hopes justified and will mutual trust be restored? Will trade relations with Europe and international security issues be focus of the Biden Administration's foreign policy agenda? How can Europe ensure, that these will be tackled soon? What can Germany and the EU proactively do to support President Biden’s restart of transatlantic relations? Do both sides need new formats of communication and cooperation?

With Heather Conley, Dr. Karen E. Donfried, Ambassador Boris Ruge, Michael G. Link MP and Dr. Christoph von Marschall

From Trump to Biden - A Restart for the Transatlantic Partnership?

Will trade relations with Europe and international security issues be focus of the Biden Administration’s foreign policy agenda? How can Europe ensure, that these will be tackled soon?

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