Entrepreneurship and Innovation for economic growth in Bhutan

Despite these challenges, there are stories of entrepreneurial innovation in the country that has identified USPs in its cultural heritage and opportunities such as a stable support from the government for entrepreneurship with initiatives such as the Entrepreneurship Support Program that provide funding, mentorship and networking opportunities for aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs.

Known for its unique Gross National Happiness index and its strong and steady commitment to sustainable development, Bhutan offers a promising environment for fostering innovation to enhance economic growth, create employment opportunities and promote wellbeing. Therefore, the forum will aim to explore the current landscape of entrepreneurial innovation in Bhutan, identify the opportunities and challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and discuss strategies to move forward.

This conference is held as a Zoom webinar. The conference language is English with the option for attendees to ask questions via F&A-tool.

Nyema Zam
Winner of Rise Awards UK 2022: Female CEO leading Media & Technology Business Winner of Makers and Shakers Awards UK 2022: Best initiative to grow local industry. Ngultrum Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 Bhutan

Karma Loday
CEO of Yangphel Tours and Honorary Consul of Austria to Bhutan

Ujjwal Deep Dahal
CEO of Druk Holdings & Investment (DHI)

Sangay Chophel
Documentary Producer, Ex- Bhutan Broadcasting Service Reporter & Producer. Currently with Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research

Entrepreneurship and Innovation for economic growth in Bhutan




17.11.2023 | 12:00 - 13:30


Landesbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Kontroverse E-Fuels

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