The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the German Publishers & Booksellers Association are pleased to invite you to the Raif Badawi Talk. The panel discussions will focus on the situation of journalists, their role in informing the society and promoting human rights, the challenges they face, and the prospects for the protection of journalists around the world. When journalists report on the issues of public interests that are of great societal importance, such as human rights violations, corruption, rule of law and democratic values, they often face state and non-state based online harassment, intimidation, violence and persecution to silence them. During the panel discussions, well-known journalists from Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey will shed light on such obstacles and share their experiences to that effect, considering the current climate of shrinking spaces for journalists in the above countries.

The Raif Badawi Talk is a panel discussion with courageous journalist and part of the Foundation’s commitment to support independent and impartial journalism and freedom of expression worldwide. It is named after the famous Saudi journalist and blogger who spent ten year in prison. He was released in 2022 from jail and yet not allowed to leave his country and travel abroad. We are honored to host Ensaf Haidar, wife of Raif Badawi, during this year’s Raif Badawi Talk.

Nevşin Mengü
is a renowned Turkish journalist and author, celebrated for her rigorous approach to national and international issues. She holds a degree in political science from Bilkent University and is a notable alumnus of Galatasaray University, with a focus on sociology.

Mina Khani
is an Iranian publicist and artist. She was born in Tehran. She has been living in Germany for 20 years and is recognized as a political refugee. She has been writing about the political situations in Iran from a feminist perspective in German and Farsi for over 12 years.

Wazhma Tokhi
graduated from Malali University (Kandahar) with a degree in political science and law. She worked for internationally financed programs in Afghanistan for nine years and was a member of the Youth Parliament. In August 2021, she moved to Germany and has been active in supporting underground schools in Afghanistan.

Rebecca Schönenbach
serves as an independent consultant specializing in counter-terrorism, with a particular focus on Islamic financing. An expert in Sharia law and Islamic extremism, she offers lectures and consults for government agencies, NGOs, and private enterprises. In addition, she writes articles on topics such as Islamic Finance,Islamism, radicalization and misogyny.

Raif Badawi Talk 2023 - Stream on Demand

"Women. Press. Freedom"




23.10.2023 | 12:00 - 13:30


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