Liberal Breakfasft: Netherlands Election Results

Über die Veranstaltung

We are happy to invite you to our next Liberal Breakfast, as always in cooperation with the ALDE Party!
At this Liberal Breakfast we will discuss the results of the national elections in the Netherlands. After a few weeks of COVID protests, rising threats from the political extremes, and the current government coalition having to step down, this election will be an opportunity for the people of the Netherlands to voice how they want their country to move forward.
Join our panellists as they examine the results of the election, the impact of campaigning during COVID-19, paying particular attention to how the liberal democratic parties D66 and VVD performed, the potential alliances to be forged in a unique multiparty political landscape, as well as if Prime Minister Mark Rutte will keep his position.

With Hans van Baalen, Coen Brummer and Jeroen Dobber.

Kindly register for this event by 17. March at

Liberal Breakfasft: Netherlands Election Results

At this Liberal Breakfast we will discuss the results of the national elections in the Netherlands.

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