India’s Demographic Milestone

The world is witnessing a historic demographic shift as India surpasses China to become the most populous country on the planet. This demographic shift marks a significant transition that brings forth noteworthy economic and political opportunities. The larger population presents a vast domestic market, offers a substantial labour force for businesses enabling them to expand, attracts foreign direct investments, stimulates entrepreneurial activity, and boosts productivity. India's demographic advantage also may help India present itself as an alternative to other leading economies such as China, and enhance its influence in international trade negotiations and collaborations.

However, this population surge also presents challenges. It puts pressure on public infrastructure, might exacerbate unemployment, and forces the state to increase investment in infrastructure for health, education, transportation and housing. Additionally, balancing population growth with equitable access to resources and services could be a challenge for the state to avoid social disparities and unrest.

This webinar aims to explore the multiple dimensions of India's population milestone and provide a comprehensive understanding of its economic, political, and social implications and challenges for India and its neighbours.

Katharina Wittke
...has been Director of the South and Southeast Asia, Pacific Division at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) since January 2023. Previously, she held the role of Director for the Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe and Central Asia Department.

Gulcharan Das an author and former CEO of Procter & Gamble India. He is the author of a much-acclaimed trilogy based on the classical Indian ideal of life's goals. India Unbound was the first, on artha, 'material well-being' — the Guardian called it 'a quiet earthquake' – is available in 19 languages and filmed by the BBC

Abdul Matlub Ahmad the chairman of Nitol-Niloy Group and the founder president of India-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (IBCCI), Bangladesh Automobiles Assemblers and Manufacturers Association (BAAMA). He is also the TATA distributor in Bangladesh.

Soumya Chaturvedi a Senior Research Fellow at India Foundation, India. She is an international relations scholar and is currently working with India Foundation as a Senior Research Fellow. A lawyer by education, she holds a postgraduate degree in International Relations and a specialization in Asia Pacific Security.

India’s Demographic Milestone

Prospects and Obstacles




31.08.2023 | 12:00 - 13:30


Landesbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen

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