#femalechangemaker: Poland
What is the state of women's rights and gender equality in Poland? On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the German-Polish Neighbourhood Treaty, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom will discuss these important questions with Marta Lempart, co-initiator of the protest movement "All-Poland Women's Strike", and Gyde Jensen MP, Chairwoman of the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid in the German Bundestag.
The event is part of the #femalechangemaker series, in which moderator Karoline Gil presents women from around the world who are fighting for freedom, human rights and democracy in their countries. The discussion will be held in English with simultaneous German translation.
With this online discussion, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation contributes to making the UN´s Agenda 2030 more known - especially regarding human rights and rule of law.
#femalechangemaker: Poland
Women‘s rights under threat – Webtalk with activist Marta Lempart
Zeit17.06.2021 | 17:30 - 19:00
VeranstalterLandesbüro Baden-Württemberg
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