Fighting for a democratic Belarus: Veronika Tsepkalo

Über die Veranstaltung

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March we will talk to Veronika Tsepkalo about her activism, the women leading the change in her country and her hopes for Belarusian society.

All around the world, women are spearheading the calls for change, standing up for their rights and leading the fight for democratic and free societies. The women of Belarus and their peaceful protest are the most recent and vivid example – but women are shaping political and societal developments everywhere. Since August 2020, thousands of Belarusians have taken to the streets in protest against the fraudulent elections and ensuing large-scale violence and police brutality. The fight for a democratic Belarus is spearheaded by women, one of the three faces of the revolution is Veronika Tsepkalo, along with Svetlana Tichanovskaja and Maria Kolesnikova.

This webtalk is part of a series called #femalechangemaker under which moderator Karoline Gil introduces outstanding women from all around the globe that lead pro-democracy movements in their countries.

Mark your agenda:

femalechangemaker - RUSSIA with Olga Romanova and Renata Alt MdB, 31 March 2021, 17:30 Uhr (German time)

With this online discussion, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation contributes to making the UN´s Agenda 2030 - especially regarding human rights and rule of law - more known.

Fighting for a democratic Belarus: Veronika Tsepkalo

The fight for a democratic Belarus is spearheaded by women. One of the three faces of the revolution is Veronika Tsepkalo.

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