Global Europe – Global Expectations

Today, we are experiencing that the European Union and its model of democratic societies are losing their worldwide popularity. In the new era of rivalry between authoritarian states on the one hand and liberal democracies on the other, the Indo-Pacific region plays a crucial geopolitical role. Not only does it represent a large proportion of global GDP, it also features the most crucial maritime trade routes and is home to the largest part of the world’s population. That is why it has become a strategic battleground for world powers over influence – especially China and the US.
The EU and some of its member states, too, have recognized the strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific and emphasize EU-ASEAN cooperation. Still, the EU's influence in the region remains rather limited. How is the EU perceived in Southeast Asia? How could it expand its role as a global player in the region? And how should a fruitful cooperation between the Indo-Pacific and the EU look like from the liberal perspective?
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom invites you to discuss these and other issues together with our experts.
This event is part of the series Global Europe – Global Expectations on the EU’s role in other world regions. The EU’s role in Southeast Asia is also discussed in the publication “Global Europe – Global Expectations. Assessing the EU's role in the world”, which was co-authored by our guest speaker Dr. James Gomez.

Dr. James Gomez Regional Director at the Asia Centre, a research institute in Bangkok/Thailand that has been granted the UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status. He provides strategic oversight for the development and regionalization of the centre, represents it in the media and public speaking engagements, and builds relationships with key stakeholders around the world. Dr Gomez brings to Asia Centre over 25 years of international and regional experience in leadership roles at universities, think tanks, inter-governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Dr. Ann-Veruschka Jurisch MdB
...has been serving as a member of the German Bundestag since 2021. Born in Cologne, Dr. Jurisch studied law at the University of Konstanz, passing both state exams and receiving her doctorate there. From 2002 to 2006, she worked at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, initially as a country officer in the Southeast Asia Department for Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand. In 2005, she moved to the German Embassy in Hanoi. From 2006 to 2021, she worked as an executive director in the area of charitable foundations.

Global Europe – Global Expectations

Assessing the EU's role in Southeast Asia




10.10.2023 | 09:00 - 10:00


Landesbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen

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