Suffering in Silence? X - Zambia

Many know the image of the Victoria Falls in Zambia. However, extreme climate and droughts threaten to dry these waterfalls up. The Southern African country is facing the brunt of the global climate crisis. As a consequence, 56 percent of Zambians are in need of humanitarian assistance. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in cooperation with CARE Germany invites you to reflect on the current crisis in Zambia. This event is the final talk in a ten-part series, which shines a light on the "ten most under-reported humanitarian crises in 2020".

Zambia has been an important exporter of maize to the region, however, in 2020 Zambia had to ban all export, as the population suddenly faced acute hunger and malnutrition. Extreme drought, locust plagues, heavy rainfalls and floods have destroyed crops across the nations. COVID-19 caused movement restriction, decline in the price of copper, of which Zambia is a major producer, and re-prioritization of healthcare services. The economy has contracted, there is poor water supply and sanitation, sexual and reproductive health services have been heavily impacted during the pandemic and malnutrition remains high. The multiplicity of challenges ranging from public health, economy, food security and climate change is a lot to carry for the large and peaceful country.

We invite you to interact with our international experts and examine the following questions: What is the current political situation in Zambia? How has COVID affected the nation? Why do we speak of a humanitarian crisis? Why is Zambia so heavily affected by the climate crisis? How do the people show resilience? Why does Zambia not make the mainstream news? Are there solutions how this crisis can be mitigated in the years to come?

Suffering in Silence? X - Zambia

Volume X - Zambia




26.07.2021 | 17:00 - 18:00


Referat Bundesprogramm

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