Maldives: COVID-19 and the Transformation of Tourism

The COVID-19 pandemic is a humanitarian crisis that has had devastating effects on the economy of all countries across the globe. Countries closed their borders, restricted mobility of their citizens to combat the spread of the virus. The first health pandemic that has affected the global tourism industry massively. Maldives, a nation most popularly known for its tourist attractions was one of the hardest-hit countries in this pandemic due to its heavy reliance on tourism revenues. The government of Maldives strategically established measures to ensure the safety to tourists, and implemented policies and plans to tackle this crisis due to the extreme pressure on the economy.

The panellists will deliberate on the measures taken to revive tourism within the nation in the post Covid era, as it accounts for nearly two-thirds of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and share strategies for sustainable development of the tourism sector. The panel aims to view the lessons learned from a nation like Maldives by sharing their own experiences while dealing with the pandemic.

Maldives: COVID-19 and the Transformation of Tourism




07.02.2022 | 17:00 - 18:30


Länderbüro Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz

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