Are concerns about civil war in the U.S. still well-founded?

On the anniversary of January 6, a book made headlines in the U.S. and quickly became a bestseller, warning of a possible civil war in the country. In "How Civil Wars Start", political scientist Barbara F. Walter comparatively analyzed civil wars around the world to elaborate on the conditions that gave rise to them. She concluded that these conditions were also increasing in her country.
Could the United States slide into civil war? What would such a scenario look like? What would be the best way to prepare for it? We will explore these and other questions in our one-hour online conversation with Barbara F. Walter. Is her analysis still convincing two years after Donald Trump’s failed coup and peaceful mid-term elections?
In January 2023, the German translation of her book ("Bürgerkriege. Warum immer mehr Staaten am Abgrund stehen") was published by Hoffmann und Campe Verlag.

The online talk will be held in English language.

Dr. Patrick Horst
is a program manager at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. He was a senior academic advisor in the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn and most recently co-authored the book "Zerreißprobe für die Demokratie. Die Wahlen und der Regierungswechsel in den USA 2020/21." with his Bonn colleague Philipp Adorf.

Prof. Barbara F. Walter
teaches international relations at the University of California in San Diego. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Political Instability Task Force, which analyzes civil wars worldwide and develops strategies for conflict resolution. Walter has written for the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and other renowned media.

Are concerns about civil war in the U.S. still well-founded?

Barbara F. Walter on her bestselling book "How Civil Wars Start"




23.01.2023 | 19:30 - 20:30


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