North Korea after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

North Korea has had a close partnership with its northern neighbor Russia for decades. Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine has not changed this. Recently, dictator Kim Jong-un announced his intention to further expand ties with Russia. The U.S. even accuses North Korea of actively intervening in the conflict and supplying the Russian mercenary group "Wagner" with weapons. Dr. Dae-jin Jung, Director of administration, Gangwon Unification Education Center, gives us an up-to-date insight into North Korea's political reactions to the Russian war against Ukraine. The event will be moderated by Sung-eun Lim, Program Manager of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s Korea Office.

About our series „Neighbouring Russia“: How did Russia's neighboring countries react one year after the full scale attack on Ukraine? That is what the Friedrich Naumann Foundation wants to explore in a twelve-part virtual series of events. Together with international experts, we examine individual countries or regions and discuss important domestic and foreign policy processes.

Dr. Dae-jin Jung
is the professor of Halla University in Wonju Korea. His fields are International Law and Inter-Korean affairs. He earned his Ph.D. of Korean Unification Studies at Yonsei University. He is the Standing Member of the Presidential Peaceful Unification Advisory Council and the Member of the Policy Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Unification. He is also a TV news commentator for foreign affairs. Before joining to Halla University, he was a Research Professor of Ajou University in Suwon Korea and Research Fellow at Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies run by SK Group.

Sung-eun Lim
is Program Manager of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s Korea Office. She is responsible for Foundation’s activities in South Korea, i.e. in the areas of digital transformation, smart cities and Korean unification. She studied political science and obtained Master’s degree in European law and International Trade Law.

North Korea after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine

Reihe: Neighbouring Russia




04.05.2023 | 09:00 - 09:30


Landesbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen

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