Nepal: Himalayan country in crisis?

Nepal is on the northern borders of India. It has witnessed several people’s struggles for democracy. The democratic Constitution of Nepal laid on the foundation of the mass struggle of the political parties and people appears to be suffering from the inter-party and intra-party conflicts. Despite frequent changes in government, Nepal is trying to initiate socio-economic reforms and pursue an active foreign policy. At the regional level Nepal has proposed within SAARC parameters a sub-regional cooperation with Bhutan, Bangladesh and the north-eastern states of India to develop the region through mutual cooperation. With the advent of democracy in Nepal, there is more openness in its negotiations with other countries.
Nepal faces possibly the greatest COVID-19 crisis in the world. With a reproduction rate of 1.18 and a 40% prevalence rate, COVID-19 is rapidly permeating the population. The spread has escalated beyond the capacity of health system and people have been left to their own devices. “Official stats” on COVID-19 cases have reached half a million mark with daily new counts of around 10,000. Medical facilities are already operating at full capacity and many have been forced to deny admission of new patients in the absence of basic facilities like beds, oxygen cylinders, and ventilators. Three strains of the virus have been confirmed in the country as of now, and the people are at the mercy of fate. The days ahead are challenging as Nepalese people have two battles to fight – for democracy and for life.

The panelists will deliberate on the aftermath of COVID situation, the challenges faced by the public administration and political system in Nepal. The panelists will also discuss on the political conflicts, Nepal seems to be sandwiched between the two Asian giants.

Nepal: Himalayan country in crisis?

A WebTalk on the current situation of Nepal




29.06.2021 | 17:30 - 19:00


Länderbüro Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz

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