About the event

An event organized by "Young Liberals Greece" with moderators Apostolos Siokas and Eleni Siapikoudi. We discuss the economical consequences of the COVID-19 crisis with Pantelis Lamprou, head of the KEMEL. We're also happy to welcome Jason Avlonitis from the young liberals in Greece to assess the situation of the greek tourism industry. Afterwards we will talk about the liberal news of the week, as well as the Greek foreign relations and the fight against sexism in times of crisis.

Liberals at Home

A discussion about the aftermath of COVID-19 in Greece with Pantelis Lamprou, former head of the Greek stock market and Dimitra Papadopolou, member of the German Young Liberals.

Mehr auf +Freiheit

26 min

#JetztMutMachenInternational: Türkei

71 min

No pride, no visibility

28 min

Weißrussland – Corona nur eine ''Psychose des Westens"?

51 min

Corona and the world - What is the liberal approach?

60 min

WHO is responsible?

84 min

Leben in der DDR Diktatur

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