Can technology kill democracy?

A conversation between Svenja Hahn, Member of the European Parliament (Renew Europe/FDP) and Gary Kasparov, former chess champion and Arthur, moderated by Laure Mandeville, senior reporter at Le Figaro

The speakers discussed to what extent and why Technology and Artificial Intelligence have transformed and can still revolutionize and question our way of life, freedom and privacy (in short, the whole organization of our societies and its values), as well as the dire reality of a Surveillance Capitalism which is giving Tech companies overblown power to commercialize all aspects of our lives and shape and censor the political debate. We examined how AI can become the decisive asset for Authoritarian States like China to compete and fight with a vulnerable West, and what Democratic States can do to reassert control over Technology and answer the historical challenge of creating a framework that makes AI a tool.

Can technology kill democracy?

June Tocqueville Conversation

Mehr auf +Freiheit

53 min

Pandemic. Panic. Politics – Democracy in Times of Crisis II

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The Future of Political Discourse

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Pandemic. Panic. Politics - Democracy in Times of Crisis II

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