Let's Talk Human Rights

Today on the second episode of Let’s Talk Human Rights podcast, we travel to Zimbabwe. About a year ago, the former president, Robert Mugabe, passed away at the age of 95. After 37 years in power, he was overthrown in a military coup only two years earlier, in 2017. Mugabe's successor Emmerson Mnangagwa spoke of reforms for the country in that he now affectionately refers to as a new dispensation and second republic. We shall take a closer look at the situation on the ground and try to unpack some of the critical and relevant questions regarding Zimbabwe. For this, we are joined by two very interesting guests from Zimbabwe. Senator David Coltart, opposition politician, human rights lawyer and current MDC Alliance Treasurer General, and Dumisani Muleya, international award winning investigative journalist, who is also a strong critic of the Mnangagwa regime.

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