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About the Event

The „Amerikazentrum Hamburg“ and the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation are organizing a special online-seminar in English due to the current developments in the US and the continuously changing cultural climate of the country. We are using Juneteenth, the oldest remembrance day celebrating the liberation from slavery, to invite Dr. Christine LeVeaux Haley (University of Houston) and John Eligon (The New York Times) to discuss historical roots and current changes. The day of liberation took place on June 19th 1865 in Texas, and is celebrated as a public holiday in the state. It is used as an occasion to emphasize the importance of the equality and freedom of all human beings. Black communities across the country use this day to celebrate and commemorate the liberation.

Why Juneteenth Matters – The End of Slavery?!

We are using Juneteenth, a day celebrating the liberation from slavery, to invite Christine LeVeaux Haley and John Eligon to discuss current changes in the US cultural landscape.

Mehr auf +Freiheit

64 min

What´s up America - Stürzt Donald Trump über die Corona-Pandemie?

32 min

#JetztMutMachenInternational: Vereinigte Staaten

51 min

Corona and the world - What is the liberal approach?

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